Christian Psychics, Christianity vs. New Age
This may be the most interesting blog for many of you out there. This is a subject I don’t like bringing up because there are so many...

Can Spirits Harm the Living
We all have seen a haunted movie or heard that spirits can inflict harm to the living if they are truly angry or upset. Is there any...

Did someone die in your Hotel room?
If you are looking for spirits or perhaps just traveling you would be surprised to know that hotels are one of the #1 places that can be...

Geometric Figures & Universal Downloads
How weird is it during your down time you may be laying down with your eyes closed and see odd colorful shapes and symbols? You may be...

2018 Yearly Horoscopes
ARIES – This year brings a lot of excitement in your career. Where you once saw roadblocks, you are now going to find that things are a...

Signs Angels are Near
I often receive this question and how do you know if your angels are around you? It’s important to know that angels are assigned to us at...

Pets and the Afterlife
It is important to know that our fur babies are with us in spirit after they pass. Ever heard that saying that all dog’s souls go to...

2018 World Predictions
President Trump/Administration – Things are not looking good in the administration. I see drama and more headlines. While Trump is still...

2018 Celebrity Predictions
As many of you know, I have made many predictions of which have been validated. Please note that these are not necessarily going to...

December 2017 Monthly Horoscope Forecast
ARIES – This month you will feel as if you are having to re-examine every action and your decisions will not be easy. At times you will...