March Monthly Horoscope Forecasts 2017

ARIES – This month starts off with you focusing on your life and last month you may have had periods where you felt like you were not standing firm in your power and decision making. This month opens the pathway for the communication to flow and for you to stop feeling stuck. You also will gain more clarity about decisions you make and have good reasons for everything your initiate and there may be someone who questions your authority or is discontent with your decisions but they will understand once you communicate the reason why. You will be super focused in your career and work area and for many of you, there is potential here to start an idea or be promoted and for this to yield you more abundance and contentment. There will be someone who is in your midst and feels like the rug is being swept right from underneath them and you will need to be that voice of guidance and support. Later in the month you will most likely take a trip or there will be travel that helps you deal with any boredom or mundane feelings. It may not be planned but more of an impromptu trip. There is hope here for you.
TAURUS – As the month begins you are asked to evaluate your personal life and take stock of who is in your life at this moment and is either pushing you towards your goals or preventing you from your goals. You also will notice that you need to reclaim your power and authority in a family situation. This could be a partner or children who are going through some phases and their emotions are running up and down. You seem to be the target of their attack because you are the only one who can bring balance to them. A member of our soul family will act as a life line to you if you are in need of support or advice, so while you may feel you are fighting this battle alone, know that you are not. You are not alone at all. In your work area there could be a lot of competition or jealousy that is manifesting because you are a master at your craft and shine, do not allow their vibrations to affect you. If you do, you could find yourself feeling vulnerable and shaken by this. Shield yourself, pray, and ground. Your enemies or people who are deceitful will more than likely walk away. The end of the month is time of celebrations and heralds some very good energy.
GEMINI – The beginning of this month is bringing you a lot of positive energy and financially you are going to see growth if you are self-employed or working for someone. You will see great gains this month and get new creative ideas to implement. Right now though you are dealing with your own inner emotions and while we all have a dark and light side, you may have stepped into the dark side of your soul without realizing it until someone mentions it to you or you may actually wake up and feel like you are not yourself. In order to prevent this from occurring you will need to ask yourself what is bothering you underneath the surface and deal with it. Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed someone in your inner circle is willing to listen to you. This can easily be bottled up but will chip away at our emotions. Be sure to use your intuition because among your circle of “friends or associates” there could be snakes in the garden. While they may appear to have your best interests at the moment a lot will be revealed before the end of the month and this gives you a better perspective.
CANCER – Right now you may have made some mistakes in your life and while you aren’t proud of them, be sure to use these experiences as lessons when you move forward in your life and spiritual path. Don’t allow others who are around you and may have some kind of seniority over you or more experience lead you astray from your path which is full of love and sincerity. Know that whatever you have done can be undone but you need to accept and take ownership of your errors. There will be a lot of different emotions you go through into the first week of March and thereafter the feeling slowly starts to dissipate. You may miss someone who was like family and in your life but has now moved on. Know this person still thinks of you and wishes you the best and is willing to hear from you. You may realize that you do love this person or that some love has formed and now is on your mind. If you are single you may want or desire love to enter and this is a good month for that to happen. In terms of career you may get more work, job offers, tips, referrals, and see growth and expansion. You may also start the first steps to incorporating spirituality into your work.
LEO – In terms of work this month you will have an authority figure at the forefront of your daily routine. This person may have a lot of expectations or take you by surprise by mentoring you and even supporting you in everything you do. They do see the potential in you. If you are in a position of authority or have employees who report to you, this is going to be a time to show them that you are a true leader and boost morale. The universe is also moving some relationships to the side and have you focus on building new ones. Enjoy this time as it will feel very much like a whirlwhind but is needed at this time. You are asked to be aware of what is occurring in all that you do. Don’t sign any paperwork without reading it and don’t make any decisions without sitting with it for a while. Someone will praise you or give you some thanks for a job well done. Be grateful and count your blessings. You are going to find that you are successful on your path right now and don’t allow anyone to tell you otherwise.
VIRGO – This month will be one that tests your patience and stress levels will be there. In most cases you possibly finished last month feeling beside yourself or feeling as if you didn’t accomplish much but this was because there was outside influence affecting you. Possibly a relationship went through some transformations or you ended a chapter. The first two weeks of this month bring you to a situation in which you feel obstacles in your way. Some of these cannot be changed and are just divine timing at work. You are asked to not allow yourself to be stressed with things outside your control. You may also withdraw from everyone who cares about you to hide how you truly are feeling. Avoid this because you need a good support system to make this month feel lighter and get reassurance. This is also a month of possibly moving from an apartment to a house or to another place. This could be movement of any kind in your life but all is positive. Don’t look back whatever you are moving and replacing. The end of the month you may be waiting for some results or waiting to hear back from someone important. Stay positive, it will be good news.
LIBRA – Your mind is a complicated one Libra and not everyone understands what motivates you and or what makes you happy. Right now you have been having a lot of mental stress and thinking really hard and assessing what is going to change and who needs to change. Someone in your family might be taking advantage of you or playing mind games and spirit is telling you to ask yourself why are they suddenly being nice or why do they always come to you. Do you have trouble saying no? These are the kind of questions you will need to address to feel much better and get clarity and peace of mind. Your communication may also be muddled and so when you speak you either speak when you are upset and this gives off negative vibes or you are dealing with a situation in which you don’t know where to begin or how to verbalize to this person how you feel. Just say what’s on your heart. Don’t make this a long speech or something that requires a lot of thought. Your intuition will help you. By the end of the month hope is rekindled and if you were waiting for some positive energy it may show up at your doorstep, by email, or even in the mail. Smile and do something selfless.
SCORPIO – This month the main focus will be your love life and how you are feeling deep within. You have been feeling lonely if single and if you are with a partner you may have notice some of the sparks have died. Right now you are in need of something more and this will manifest this month and either you or a partner does something to keep the relationship interesting. If you are single you have the potential to meet someone. Be yourself and think of your image and makeover. You have an eccentric quality and keen fashion sense. There also could be a lot of temptation in your life right now. This could be two people who are interested in you or you feeling conflicted about two people. Go with what makes you happy. The end of the month ends with a feeling of balance and harmony. You may decide to go out on a road trip or spend spring break somewhere where you will meet someone. If you are attending a celebration or party, be sure all eyes are on you!
SAGITTARIUS – You will find this month gives you a lot of choices and options in everything you do. If you have been holding onto some confusion regarding what path to walk on or who to support this will be a little difficult. All choices have repercussions and all choices have their pros and cons. Be smart and go with your gut instinct. There may be someone now who is in your past and they still think of you and may reach out to you or send you a message. This will bring up many feelings you had buried deeply. Try not to think too much of it, be of support and keep it moving forward. The past is the past for a reason. This will require a lot of spiritual strength from you. Remember how you felt when you were this person or how they made you feel. These are the things you need to ask yourself. Remember you are destined for greatness Sagittarius. The potential to fulfill your dreams or goals is strong this month. If you have a mentor or someone you look up to, ask them for wise advice.
CAPRICORN – If you have made some decision but still feel unsettled you need to take a second look at what drove you to these decisions. Right now, you need to remember you did carry a lot of weight and responsibilities and got no support by this person. Stay strong. If you are single you have the potential to find a twin flame or soul mate this month. It might be something out of the ordinary and if you are in a relationship you may have dreams of a soul mate. Try to write things down and access the part of your heart that is speaking to you. You also could be thinking of your future too much and this can have adverse effects on your present life and situation. Remember you can still change tomorrow but it’s today that you need to focus on. Everything in your life is happening as it should. A family member may also be dumping some of their responsibilities on you. Try not to allow them to take advantage as they need to be self-sufficient. You have your own problems to deal with. Put your foot down Capricorn. Be diplomatic if you must! This helps you move forward.
AQUARIUS – The energy of this month will expand or awaken your third eye. A lot of what will take place you may have premonitions beforehand or just know the outcome. No you are not crazy! This is your third eye now opening up and it’s a good thing for you. Be at peace with what you receive from your spiritual guidance team and make changes if you need to. Don’t feel the need to conform or to please someone who is not in your life at the moment. Stay humble but take no crap. If you have been waiting for a decision on some assistance or any other matter, you may have to wait a little longer. Delays in communication and breakdown of communication are at the center this month. This could be very frustrating and you could easily misinterpret things as well. Brush it off and just take a deep breath. All is not chaos like you feel it. Be sure to give some positive feedback to someone who may be doing something that is irritating you. They won’t know if you keep it bottled up inside. Let it out!
PISCES – You could find the first two weeks of the month you are struggling with being truthful. Usually you tell the truth but you may have opted to sugar coat or obstruct the truth to make a situation go in your favor. Be careful because the balance has been thrown off. Be sure to live in your integrity and be honest as any thing hidden will come out into the open by the end of the month. This month is also a good month if you are in a relationship and trying to conceive. You may receive some good news. If you are not planning on a new birth you may hear some good news that pertains to a family friend or acquaintance. There is also a potential this month to get new ideas or change directions and that new job could also call you for an interview. If you are job searching you could be hired right on the spot.