Australian Predictions 2017/2018
Normally predictions are made at the beginning of the year or right before a new year ends. While it is untraditional I have been asked by many to do some predictions for Australia which is close to my heart and I hope to visit someday soon. I have spent some time in prayer and meditation and the insight I am seeing is what I see immediately in the next 12 months going into 2018. I want to thank everyone and send all my spiritual family in Oz many blessings in love and light.
OBESITY - While Australia is a very fit and healthy place I do see that the numbers in obesity will rise and within the next year where Australia is positioned we shall see that the rank will be higher in the nations with leading obesity.
PRIME MINISTER - I see Australian Prime minister Malcolm Turnbull in communication and aligning with USA president Trump to create more business deals essentially profiting the Australian economy but also getting more involved with what is occurring with ISIS and Syria. There will be a stronger union. Now while Turnbull is doing this I keep feeling there will be more scandal surrounding the level of support he lends to the USA and the attention he is giving to the Australian Government.
TERRORISM- Terrorism in Australia we shall see some who are loyal to ISIS/Syria launch attacks. I keep seeing Sydney being a location and keep feeling this will take place near café's or larger section known for it's shops and popular spots.
MEDICARE - I see a lot of power struggles with the Health Minister and the doctors. I keep seeing the rebate freeze will be lifted but not in the time frame as expected but it will eventually occur before end of year.
REFUGEES- I keep seeing many riots, opposition for refugees wanting to enter Australia and those already living among many. Acts of hate/violence towards the refugees will make headlines. While there needs to be more peace, there is a lot of unrest in Australia over this.
CLIMATE - The summer climate was very hot for Australia this year and I see the winter being a little warmer than usual which will set record highs instead of lows. Going into 2018 I am seeing that the Great Barrier Reef is also affected there is also some kind of spill that will affect the sea life near that area. I see the population of sea creatures on the decline and some species at the point of extinction. More care and attention needs to be made in this area.
LGBT/GAY MARRIAGE– While this is still not recognized like here in the USA, I am seeing more and more opposition to the Commonwealth/Parliament and I am seeing by 2018 more focus will be on this topic but my spirit guides tell me that it will not be legalized until 2019-2020.
NEXT FEDERAL ELECTION – I keep seeing when the next election for Prime Minister takes place there will be a male who is younger that will assume office. This will not be Turnbull.
In 2018 we shall see more headlines about Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman and pending separation. I get that Keith has had a lot of personal struggles that led him to taking a good look at what he was doing to himself but bad habits are hard to break. While they may look comfortable and in love in front of the camera don’t let appearances deceive you.
Iggy Azalea is struggling career wise as much of her attention and fame has slowly deteriorated. I keep seeing she may start focusing more on changing management within 2018 and reinvent herself. One thing is for sure, we have not heard or seen the last of her.
Adam Hills (comedian) – I keep seeing that Adam will continue to have success within Australia and there is something in the works for him like a comedy sitcom/tv projects in the works between 2018 – 2019 and some of his work will get more exposure in other countries.
Rebecca Gibney (actress) – I keep seeing that the television series Wanted may not be extended for a 3rd season which she is involved in many projects at the moment. I keep seeing that there will be another movie she will star in and this will be between 2018 -2019. I also feel she has been planning on doing something a little different with a book to be written so this is something more future oriented but not out of the question for this wonderful actress.
Kylie Minogue – I keep seeing her making headlines into 2018 with a new partner who she will be slightly younger than her but I keep hearing he is not in the same industry as her. I do get that she will be head over heels for this new guy, however, I do not see marriage in the future for Kylie unless she truly wants it. She is constantly reinventing herself and her public image comes first.